1. Quizzes
Written assessments will measure students’ theoretical knowledge on music and pedagogy. This would serve as a tool to monitor skills development and determine areas of learning that need to be reinforced.
2. Group Assignments
Students will be assigned topics for inquiry and oral presentation. Special trends in music performance and instrumental/vocal teacher education will be the highlight of discussions.
3. Performance Assessment
Performance assessments involve students’ demonstration of skills in playing their major instruments and practical musicianship (aural and sight singing/reading). To provide feedback efficiently, holistic and analytical rubrics that would determine the degree to which the students have met the conservatory’s standards will be utilised.
4. Teaching Agenda Preparation and Class Demonstration
Drafting of teaching agendas both for individual and collaborative settings are the core components of the course. Principles of teaching and instruction will be reflected in the lesson plans that afterwards, would translate into effective teaching strategies in the demonstrations.