Professional Certificate

Fee Breakdown Total Payable, with GST, if any (S$)
Cost of Course $10,000.02
Total Course Fees Payable $10,000.02
No. of Instalments 6 (monthly payment)


Diploma in Music

Fee Breakdown Total Payable, with GST, if any (S$)
Cost of Course $40,000.08
Total Course Fees Payable $40,000.08
No. of Instalments 24 (monthly payment)


Each instalment will be due on the 1st Monday of each month
Fees are paid in monthly instalments.

Scholarships/ Financial Aid

Aureus Conservatory is fully committed to supporting young talents who are passionate about music and education with various financial means available. Scholarship, financial assistance, work-study scheme and various grants are available to help support students who are in financial need either wholly or partially, depending on the circumstances and application results.
Full details will be published soon.

Refund Table

% of [the amount of fees paid) If Student’s written notice of withdrawal is received:
80% more than 30 days before the Course Commencement Date
75% before, but not more than 30 days before the Course Commencement Date
50% After, but not more than 7 days after the Course Commencement Date
0% On or after the Course Commencement Date